We are pleased to announce the following Specialist Services:
* Total body Skin cancer checkup
* Total Body Photography (Mole Mapping)
* All types of Skin Cancer Surgeries (Flaps and Skin Grafts)
* General Dermatology
* Cosmetic Dermatology
* Cosmetic and Medical anti-wrinkle injections (Bo-Tox)
* Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
* Day case minor surgeries (lipoma and cyst removals)
* Cosmetic mole removal with ELLMAN RF.
* PRP injections – Hair and Skin
* Dermapen 4 micro needling
* Upper eyelid Blepharoplasty For Medical reasons
* Tongue tie release for babies
* Toenail wedge resections
Click the link below to book online. When choosing, please select one of the following appointment types published online as applicable.
– Spot Check,
– Total Body Skin Check / Mole Mapping,
– Dermatology Consult
Please note for all Cosmetic procedures an initial Dermatology Consult is required to be booked.
Medicare rebates and claiming
Out of pocket cost means the cost to you after the Medicare rebate has been applied. The total cost that you pay upfront may vary due to the length of a consultation.
However, no matter what the total cost will be, your Medicare rebate will always make up the difference to make your out of pocket cost the same, as seen below.
Please note that Medicare rebate in most cases is processed on the spot with the funds being available to you immediately. In certain situations, and especially for procedures it may take 2 to 3 days for the funds to be cleared by Medicare into your account. If you do not hold a valid Medicare card the full fee is payable.
Private health insurance
If you have private health insurance, you may need to check with your insurance regarding the rebate. In most cases insurances reimburse the exact amount equal to the relevant Medicare item number. Some private insurance companies may also cover the out-of-pocket expense for skin cancer screening and photography in their extras packages. We cannot advise whether your insurance company will do so. Please let our receptionist know if your policy covers skin cancer screening so that we can provide the necessary paperwork for your claim.